There are so many benefits of working for teenagers. On the other hand working part time and at the same time studying teenagers face so many difficulties. As a teenager almost all the teens want to work so he/she can have money for themselves and won't have depend on their parents. Working as a teenager is a good concept, Because teenagers are capable of understanding the value of money, and it makes them responsible. However it is challenging for many teens because they can't handle work and education at the same time.
According to the article Problems Seen For Teenager Who Hold Jobs by: Steven Greenhouse. Jason Ferry who is a high school student works as a cashier and studies at the same time. Jason Ferry is having a tough time because he doesn't get much time to study for his exams. The article also mentions that teenager who works learn to be more responsible and they stay away from troubles. The point is lack of education if a teenager works and studies at the same time he/she won't be able to handle work and education at the same time, because of lack of time.
Working as a teenager is not always a bad concept, because sometimes you have to force yourself to work for the sake of your family, As it said in the article Teen Pushes Her self In School To Forget Problems by: Bobby Sanke. Bau (who's father left their family) is volunteering, struggling with her family situations, and studying at the same time. Being a member of her family she has a lot of responsibilities. such as she has to pick up her brother and sister from school. Most of her time she is spending on her family matters instead schoolwork. Bue stays up late at night and studies even though she is in stress. we can infer that as a teenager she supposed to be studying but Bau is supporting her family. To read more click on this link
Problems with teenagers working is common thing. because as we all know working and studying at the same time is the biggest challenge that teens have to face. As long as you teens get enough time to study and do their school/homework they can work. If they are not getting enough time to study they must quit the jobs because NOTHING IS SIGNIFICANT THEN EDUCATION.
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