The Meatrix is short flash animation parody of the Matrix. Moophius exposes the truth of the factory farmers.
Factory farmers kept the animals in a terrible crowded place. The living conditions of animals were terrible. animals living in the factories don't get fresh air neither the sunlight. Animals don't have space to move around or sit, because of the crowded place. This led to cause diseases in many animals. Artificial growth hormones and Antibiotic were given to animals for their treatment. which is bad for humans health, because we eat meat that is full of antibiotic. The beaks of the chickens were cut off so they wont fight with each other when they are packed up. The dairy farms use to be on an open field. however now the cows are packed up in the factories, with no air and sunlight. The factory workers fed the mad cows through the tubes, which was filled with manure. This caused many diseases and death of cows. The butcher workers fingers were cutoff because of the full speed of the cows that were being processed.

The meatrix gave us information on the issues surrounding factory farming. I have gloomy feelings about the terrible living conditions of animals. I was very depressed when I saw the mad cows that were kept away from their mothers. Chickens, pigs, cows and many animals are living in an extremely stressful conditions. Therefore we should not support the factory farmers or else the factory farmers needs to stop treating animals cruelly.